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Sri Lankan Manpower

Sri Lankan manpower has the highest literacy rate of 94.2% in Asia and it has the strength and the capability to afford to all kinds of manpower.

Sri Lankan people are by nature intelligent, industrious and hardworking and have the ability to adapt themselves easily to any new job placements in the Middle East countries. Warm hospitable and generous by generations. They are quick to grasp any job requirements, which will keep foreign clients (recruiters) satisfied and happy. Sri Lankan employees became quickly acclimatized and oriented in foreign countries. They find it easy to find job satisfaction and contentment, which is essential for good and successful employer-employee relationships.

Sri Lankan workforce has been a pillar of strength in building economies worldwide. Especially the Middle East has benefited significantly from the huge magnitude of workers Sri Lankan workers being recruited annually.

Sri Lankan has traditionally been a major supplier of skilled workforce. Equipped with some of the finest technical and vocational training centers, Sri Lanka produces some of the finest skilled workforce to meet the huge demand the world over.

Saudi Arabia has been the largest host nation for aspiring employees from Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment (SLBFE)

The Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment (SLBFE), was established in 1985 under the Act No.21 and amended by Act No. 4 of 1994 and Act No.56 of 2009, It’s mandate encompasses promotion and protecting of migrants by setting standards and approving or rejecting the contracts provided by the foreign employers to protect Sri Lankan migrants and their families.