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Recruitment Procedure

To provide a planned and efficient manpower recruitment services from Sri Lanka, our agency would require the following information from the foreign client.

• Manpower category and required number of candidates with job descriptions. 
• Age limits, qualifications and minimum years of experience required.
• Candidate terms and conditions of employment in line with the demand of Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment (SLBFE).
• Expected dates of selections / interviews and mobilization of selected candidates.

Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment (SLBFE) is the government authority established under a special Act of Sri Lankan Parliament to oversee and regulate the foreign employment and manpower recruitment in Sri Lanka.

Therefore, prior approval of SLBFE is mandatory to carry out of any foreign manpower recruitment in Sri Lanka for which following documents are required.

• Demand Letter
• Special Power of Attorney
• Recruitment Agreement

All above documents must be on client’s official letter-head bearing official seal and signed by an authorized officer of the client and to be attested by the Chamber of Commerce and Sri Lanka Embassy in client’s respective countries.